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9 Jewish Wedding Traditions

Only I who thought that March would not end? LOL! But we are back and now talking about Jewish marriage. I’ve already shared Greek ,  Indian and Muslim traditions here , and now it’s time to talk about Jewish traditions . In the end, I put some “items” that are part of the Jewish wedding to make this matter even more complete. Hope you like it!

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Referring to the seven days of the creation of the Earth, during the ceremony the bride goes around the groom seven times. For the Jews, during these seven laps she is building the walls of the new home for this family. And because they are circles, which have no beginning or end, they also represent the new world of this family.


In the Jewish tradition, wine symbolizes joy. That’s why it is part of the wedding ceremony. The unique and shared cup by the couple is the first item that the bride and groom will share in this new journey, and that it is always watered with great joy.


A very symbolic moment in Jewish marriage is the break of the cup by the bridegroom. It takes place at the end of the ceremony, and serves to remind everyone of the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. Usually, the cup is wrapped in a white cloth and the bridegroom breaks it with his right foot. Soon after, everyone wishes luck to the bride and groom shouting “Mazel Tov”.


As in many wedding rites, the bride’s dress is white, which represents purity, since in Judaism all sins are forgiven on the wedding day. And all male guests must wear the kippah.


Unlike Catholic marriages, in which the bride enters with her face covered and the groom finds out when she arrives at the altar, in the Jewish wedding she enters with her face uncovered and the groom covers it before entering the chuppah. The presence of the veil has two very beautiful meanings in Jewish marriage. First, that the groom is marrying for love, not beauty. Second, legend has it that the groom covers the bride’s face before entering the chuppah because on this day she will be radiating the divine presence. And that presence is given through his countenance. Beautiful, right?


You have probably heard about Ketubá. And for those who don’t know what it means, Ketubá is a marriage contract. In it are all the duties of the husband in relation to the wife. The man must honor his commitment above all.


Another item that is part of the Jewish ceremony is the Tallit, which is the mantle of prayer used by men to symbolize that everyone is equal before God.


Just like the seven turns that the bride makes in circles, the rings are also another circle with no beginning and end, unbreakable in this union. In Judaism, the bridegroom, when marrying his beloved, says: “With this ring, you are consecrated to me according to the law of Moses and Israel.” In response, the bride says, “I belong to my beloved and my beloved is mine.”


Chuppah is the Jewish altar. Its main aesthetic difference from the Catholic is that it has four feet and resembles a tent. Jews prefer Chuppah to be set up outdoors, but it is not a rule.

So, what did you think? Finally, I would like to wish Lechaim to the Jewish bride and groom, which means a life full of joy, health and luck!

Mazal Tov,


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